Power BI

Unlock the power of insights with Microsoft Power BI...

The power of data insights.

Microsoft Power BI is a business analytics service that enables teams to discover new insights from their data, giving employees the capability to input data and interpret results derived from up-to-date analytics.

It uses interactive visualisations that can be filtered and edited to retrieve specific information, presented in a simple to use interface. Clients are able to create their own reports, dashboards, and data sets with accuracy and ease.

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A tailored strategy to get the most out of your data.

A Power BI interface will only work optimally if it's architected to suit your specific data requirements. At NetMonkeys, we work closely with our clients to plan, design, and implement a refined data model to get the most value out of data insights.

Our software team will always design with usability in mind, tailoring your entire PowerBI platform to suit your organisational needs.

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Advanced, industry-leading security capabilities.

Keeping your data and assets secure is incredibly important in the digital era, especially with the recent shift to remote and hybrid work models.

Microsoft Power BI has everything in place to ensure your data and sensitive information is fully protected, with Row Level Security, end-end encryption, access monitoring, sensitivity labeling, and advanced information protection and compliance tools of Microsoft 365 and Azure.

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Take your data further with Power Platform Integrations.

If you want to take your data even further, Power BI has a whole host of powerful integrations with the Microsoft Power Platform stack including Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Azure, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agent, and a Power BI premium upgrade for those who want access to more advanced features.

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