QuestGates Claims Management Transformed

In The Beginning…
QuestGates develops & delivers innovative and bespoke loss adjusting and claims solutions with technical expertise and the highest quality service. The nature of loss adjusting means that vast amounts of information and data has to be created, viewed, edited, and shared for every claim.
With several offices located across the country, all dealing with a wealth of third-party partners and claimants, creating a secure system to give all users access and a viewpoint into this information would be a complex challenge.
The Solution
QuestGates' existing claims process had to be surveyed and analysed by the NetMonkeys team to create a solution that would support and augment QuestGates' business strategy.
Creating a B2B Interface
Our initial evaluation of the process showed that it was dependent on a number of disparate legacy systems and databases. The first component of the project was to make a successful unifying and secure B2B web entry point into all of these systems allowing insurers to view their claims and obtain management information.
Connecting Out
The information and data that claims are reliant on comes from a variety of different sources– for example, insurers and contractors – each with their own systems. It was essential to allow a digital conversation to interpret and automate the transfer of this data between a number of systems using .xml technology. Additionally, any changes made to this information can then be viewed by all of these sources in a live environment.
Personal Viewpoint
The user experience of the system was the key to both its security and success. Every user is given a personalised view of the system that allows them to view, add, and amend the data that they are responsible for or need to see. These levels of access provide vital information ranging from management information reporting through to claimant’s progress and status notification.
The Value
QuestGates' business strategy of growth and development requires detailed attention and commitment to user experience. This has to be the case for all new and existing customers, suppliers, and claimants.
The NetMonkeys system compliments this system and adds value in many ways:
The efficiency gains of using the system are wide-reaching with time saved leading to more effective use of resources.
A greater volume of claims can be addressed in an easily auditable manner making compliance with Insurer Service Level Agreements a much simpler process.
The co-ordination of claim information is streamlined for better use of contractors and external suppliers.
The claimant experience is strengthened through easily updated information resulting in fewer complaints.
The overall success and usability of the system have become a sales tool for QuestGates to demonstrate in attracting new customers.
The relationship between NetMonkeys and QuestGates itself has become an important business advantage for the future. With NetMonkeys acting as a watchtower for business technology in the loss adjusting industry, change suggestions and support for the system are consistently at the highest level possible.
The Potential
The QuestGates system had to incorporate existing sources of data and processes whilst building a platform for future development. It was essential that both the system and its users maintained the agility to adapt to new processes as they become appropriate. These new processes may be a result of changes in the business environment or advances in business technology and applications.
The potential for recording and viewing all data and information within the system using mobile devices is also a clear way forward. Parts of the claims management process are already active through mobile use with much more development planned. And further advances in general connectivity alongside NetMonkeys research will allow this potential to be realised in the near future.
With every claim, the system handles it gathers data and information that will be utilised for new, in-depth, and innovative reporting at management level. NetMonkeys is constantly reviewing how this data and reporting can be presented in order to assist and influence the company objectives for QuestGates.
It is exactly this type of commitment and support to the system that will guarantee the partnership of NetMonkeys and QuestGates continue to innovate together long into the future.